
In the world of sports, athletes often become legends through their extraordinary skills, unbreakable spirit, and memorable achievements. Curtis Pride stands out not just for his prowess on the baseball field but also for his remarkable journey as a deaf athlete in Major League Baseball (MLB). His story is one of determination, resilience, and breaking barriers, making him a role model for many in the deaf community and beyond.

Early Life and Challenges

Born on December 17, 1968, Curtis John Pride faced challenges from the start. He lost most of his hearing at a young age due to rubella, a viral infection. However, this never deterred him. Growing up, Pride was determined to live a life unconfined by his disability. His parents, both educators, instilled in him the belief that he could achieve anything with hard work and dedication.

Finding Love for Baseball

Pride discovered his love for baseball early in life. He played for the baseball team at John F. Kennedy High School in Silver Spring, Maryland. Pride’s skills on the field were undeniable. He played with a passion and talent that quickly caught the attention of scouts and coaches. Despite his hearing impairment, Pride never considered it a hindrance to his performance. Instead, he learned to rely on his other senses and acute observation skills to excel in the game.

College Years and Early Career

Pride’s excellence in baseball continued through his college years. He attended the College of William & Mary, where he not only played baseball but was also a standout player in the soccer team. In 1986, his dreams started turning into reality when the New York Mets drafted him. However, he did not sign with them, choosing to continue his education and improve his game.

Breaking into Major League Baseball

Curtis Pride’s big break came in 1993 when he signed with the Montreal Expos. Stepping onto the field as a major leaguer was a monumental moment, not just for Pride but for the deaf community. He became an instant inspiration, proving that with talent and determination, any barrier could be overcome.

Overcoming Communication Barriers

One of the most significant challenges Pride faced in MLB was communication. Baseball, like most sports, relies heavily on verbal commands and signals. To adapt, Pride and his teammates developed unique ways to communicate. They used visual signals and sometimes relied on lip-reading. Pride’s ability to adapt and his teammates’ willingness to accommodate his needs highlighted an essential aspect of sports – teamwork and understanding.

Career Highlights and Achievements

Curtis Pride’s MLB career spanned 11 seasons, during which he played for several teams, including the Detroit Tigers, Atlanta Braves, and New York Yankees. His stats, while not Hall of Fame numbers, were respectable and showcased his abilities as a solid player. But his impact went beyond statistics. He was a symbol of perseverance and determination, often receiving standing ovations from fans who admired his courage and resilience.

Advocacy and Life After MLB

After retiring from baseball, Pride dedicated himself to advocating for the deaf community. He became a motivational speaker, sharing his story to inspire others facing similar challenges. He also took up coaching, passing on his love for baseball to younger generations. In 2010, Pride was named the head baseball coach at Gallaudet University, a federally chartered university for the education of the deaf and hard of hearing.

Legacy and Impact on Deaf Sports

Curtis Pride’s legacy in the world of sports is profound. He broke barriers and changed perceptions about the abilities of deaf athletes. His journey is a testament to the fact that with the right attitude, support, and determination, any obstacle can be overcome. He opened doors for many deaf athletes who followed in his footsteps, showing them that their dreams were valid and achievable.

Personal Life and Facing Adversity

Beyond the baseball diamond, Curtis Pride’s personal life is equally inspiring. He has been open about the struggles he faced due to his hearing impairment. Growing up, he encountered both skepticism and outright discrimination. People doubted his ability to play baseball at a high level, considering his deafness a significant handicap. But Pride never let these challenges dampen his spirit. Instead, they fueled his determination to succeed and prove his doubters wrong.

Navigating the Minor Leagues

Before making it to MLB, Pride honed his skills in the minor leagues. This period was crucial in shaping his career. It was here that he learned to fine-tune his game and adapt to different playing styles and environments. The minor leagues were also where Pride faced some of his toughest challenges, both on and off the field. Traveling, communicating with teammates and coaches, and dealing with varied playing conditions were all part of his learning curve.

Memorable Moments in MLB

Curtis Pride had several memorable moments in his MLB career. One such moment came on September 17, 1993, during his debut game for the Montreal Expos. He hit a crucial double, helping his team to victory. The crowd’s reaction was overwhelming, with fans cheering and applauding his effort and tenacity. Moments like these not only highlighted Pride’s skills as a player but also his ability to inspire and unite people.

Contribution to Deaf Education and Advocacy

Pride’s commitment to the deaf community extends far beyond the baseball field. He has been a vocal advocate for deaf education and empowerment. Through his work, he has helped raise awareness about the capabilities of deaf individuals and the importance of providing equal opportunities. His involvement in educational programs and initiatives has made a significant impact, encouraging young deaf individuals to pursue their dreams with confidence.

Family Life and Inspirational Role Model

Curtis Pride’s family life is a cornerstone of his story. He has often credited his family for their unwavering support and belief in him. This support system was vital in his journey, providing him with the strength and motivation to overcome obstacles. Pride’s role as a husband and father has also been an inspiration. He exemplifies the qualities of resilience and integrity, not just as an athlete but also as a family man.

Recognitions and Honors

Throughout his career, Curtis Pride has received numerous accolades and recognitions. These honors reflect not just his skill as a baseball player but also his impact as a role model and advocate. He has been celebrated for his contributions to sports and his efforts in promoting inclusivity and understanding for the deaf community.

Challenges and Triumphs

The journey of Curtis Pride is a narrative of challenges and triumphs. Each obstacle he faced was met with determination and a positive attitude. His ability to overcome adversity, both as an athlete and an individual, sets him apart. Pride’s story is not just about his successes but also about the hard work, perseverance, and positive mindset that propelled him to these achievements.

The Future of Deaf Athletes

Curtis Pride’s legacy has paved the way for future generations of deaf athletes. He has shown that with the right support, dedication, and self-belief, the perceived limitations of disability can be transcended. His journey continues to inspire and motivate, opening doors for others to follow in his footsteps and make their mark in the world of sports.


Curtis Pride’s life story is a powerful testament to the human spirit’s resilience. His journey through adversity to success in Major League Baseball and his continued advocacy for the deaf community have made him a beacon of inspiration. Pride embodies the qualities of determination, perseverance, and courage. His legacy is not only in the records he set or the games he played but in the countless lives he has touched and inspired. As a deaf athlete who scaled the heights of professional baseball, Curtis Pride remains a symbol of what can be achieved with passion, hard work, and an unyielding spirit.