
The Life of Bernard Bragg

Bernard Bragg, a name synonymous with the revolution in deaf performance arts, led an inspiring life that bridged the gap between the deaf and hearing worlds. His journey, marked by creativity, resilience, and advocacy, has left an indelible mark on the arts and the deaf community.

Early Years and Education

Born on September 27, 1928, in Brooklyn, New York, Bernard Bragg was born into a world of silence. The son of deaf parents, Bragg was introduced to sign language as his first language, a foundation that would later shape his career and advocacy. His early life was a blend of challenges and triumphs, as he navigated a world not yet equipped to fully embrace the deaf community.

Bragg’s education began at the New York School for the Deaf, where his interest in the arts first blossomed. Despite the limited opportunities for deaf individuals at the time, Bragg’s passion for theater and performance grew, laying the groundwork for his future endeavors.

His pursuit of education led him to Gallaudet University, the world’s only university designed to be barrier-free for deaf and hard of hearing students. There, Bragg majored in English, a choice that reflected his love for storytelling and expression. His time at Gallaudet was transformative, exposing him to a broader community of deaf individuals and nurturing his burgeoning interest in the performing arts.

The Birth of a Deaf Actor

Upon graduating from Gallaudet, Bragg faced the reality of limited career options for deaf individuals. Undeterred, he ventured into teaching, a common profession for deaf graduates at the time. However, his heart remained with the theater. Bragg’s involvement in local deaf theater productions showcased his natural talent and charisma, eventually catching the attention of broader audiences.

In 1956, Bragg’s life took a pivotal turn when he met Marcel Marceau, the renowned French mime. This encounter was more than serendipitous; it was a catalyst for Bragg’s future. Under Marceau’s mentorship, Bragg learned the art of mime, a non-verbal form of storytelling that transcended the barriers of language and hearing.

Bragg’s mime performances began to gain popularity, offering him a platform to showcase his talent and bring deaf art to mainstream audiences. His performances were not just entertainment; they were a subtle form of activism, demonstrating the capabilities and talents of the deaf community.

Co-founding the National Theatre of the Deaf

In 1967, Bragg’s vision for a platform dedicated to deaf performers became a reality. He co-founded the National Theatre of the Deaf (NTD) in Connecticut, a groundbreaking institution that combined sign language with spoken word, making theater accessible to both deaf and hearing audiences. The NTD was more than a theater; it was a movement, challenging societal perceptions of the deaf and their abilities.

Bragg’s work with the NTD saw him traveling across the United States and internationally, performing in various productions that showcased the beauty and expressiveness of sign language. His roles ranged from classical to contemporary, each performance a testament to his versatility and skill as an actor.

Advocacy and Teaching

Bragg’s influence extended beyond the stage. He was a passionate advocate for the rights and representation of the deaf community. His activism took many forms, from public speaking engagements to collaborations with organizations working for the deaf.

Simultaneously, Bragg never lost touch with his roots in education. He returned to teaching, imparting his knowledge and experience to the next generation of deaf performers. His teaching philosophy was not just about the technical aspects of performance but also about instilling confidence and pride in deaf identity.

Legacy and Recognition

Bragg’s contributions to the arts and the deaf community have been widely recognized. He received numerous awards and honors, including an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from Gallaudet University and accolades from various arts and deaf advocacy organizations.

Bragg’s legacy is not merely in his performances but in the doors he opened for future generations of deaf artists. He demonstrated that the language of performance transcends sound, and that deaf individuals have unique and powerful voices in the arts.

Later Years and Passing

In his later years, Bragg continued to advocate for the deaf community, participating in various events and projects. His memoir, “Lessons in Laughter,” published in 1989, provided an intimate look into his life and career, offering inspiration to many.

Bernard Bragg passed away on October 29, 2018, leaving behind a legacy that continues to resonate within the deaf community and the world of performing arts. His life was a testament to the power of resilience, creativity, and the pursuit of one’s passion against all odds.


Bernard Bragg’s life story is a narrative of breaking barriers and redefining possibilities. From the silent world of his birth to the global stage of his performances, Bragg’s journey is a beacon of inspiration. His dedication to his craft, his advocacy for the deaf community, and his pioneering spirit have cemented his place as a key figure in the history of deaf culture and the performing arts.

In remembering Bernard Bragg, we celebrate not just an individual but a movement that changed how the world views deafness and the arts. His legacy lives on in every sign language performance, in every deaf artist breaking new ground, and in the ongoing fight for accessibility and inclusion in the arts.

Expanding Horizons: Bragg’s International Influence

Bernard Bragg’s influence extended far beyond the borders of the United States. His international tours with the National Theatre of the Deaf brought American Sign Language (ASL) and deaf culture to global audiences. These tours were not just performances; they were powerful tools of cultural exchange and understanding.

In countries like Russia, Japan, and across Europe, Bragg and the NTD introduced a new dimension to theater and demonstrated the universal language of expression that transcends verbal communication. Bragg’s international presence also opened doors for collaborations and learning between different sign languages and deaf communities worldwide.

Bragg’s Artistic Innovations

Bragg was not only a performer but also an innovator. He played a crucial role in developing a new genre of theater that integrated sign language and spoken word. This integration allowed for a unique theatrical experience where deaf and hearing actors performed side by side, each enhancing the other’s performance.

His work in mime was particularly groundbreaking. Bragg adapted and expanded this art form, creating a mime vocabulary that was accessible and expressive for deaf performers and audiences. His contributions to mime and theater were a blend of artistry, pedagogy, and advocacy, making performance art more inclusive and diverse.

Challenges and Triumphs

Despite his successes, Bragg’s journey was not without challenges. He faced the skepticism of those who doubted the viability of a deaf actor in a predominantly hearing industry. Moreover, the struggle for equal rights and recognition for the deaf community was an ongoing battle throughout his career.

However, Bragg’s triumphs far outweighed these challenges. He proved that deaf actors could not only participate in the world of performance but could also lead and innovate within it. His persistence and achievements paved the way for a more inclusive approach to art and performance.

Influence on Deaf Culture and the Arts

Bernard Bragg’s impact on deaf culture and the arts cannot be overstated. He was a pivotal figure in the recognition of ASL as a rich, expressive language, worthy of artistic and academic study. His work helped to dispel myths about the limitations of deaf individuals, showcasing the depth and breadth of communication beyond the spoken word.

Bragg’s legacy is evident in the growing representation of deaf artists in media, the increasing number of deaf theater companies, and the greater inclusion of ASL in mainstream arts and education. He inspired a generation of deaf and hearing individuals to explore the intersection of deafness, language, and performance.

Personal Life and Philosophy

Bernard Bragg’s personal life was as rich and varied as his professional one. Known for his warmth, humor, and generosity, he formed lasting relationships with colleagues, students, and admirers around the world. His philosophy centered on the belief that the deaf could do anything except hear – a mantra that he lived by and inspired others with.


Bernard Bragg’s life was a journey of courage, creativity, and transformation. He was not just an actor, mime, teacher, and advocate; he was a pioneer who reshaped the landscape of deaf culture and the performing arts. His story is a powerful reminder of the capacity of the human spirit to overcome barriers, challenge norms, and create new paths of understanding and expression.

In celebrating Bernard Bragg, we recognize a life that transcended the conventional, a life that spoke volumes without uttering a sound, and a life that continues to inspire long after its final curtain call.